Working with transparency in VistaCreate
You will find the option to change the transparency for your photos in the top toolbar above your artboard.
Step 1: Select an image you’d like to work with
Step 2: Click the checkered icon, “Opacity”
Step 3: Move the slider that can be set from 1-100 to change the transparency of your photo or object.
Working with layering in VistaCreate
There are two ways you can access layering in your designs.
Option 1: Right click on your image or object and select one of the options – Bring to front, Bring forward, Bring backward, Send to back, or Set as background.
Option 2: Near the top right-hand corner of your artboard, there is an icon with layers called “Move layer”. You will find all the same options in this menu by right-clicking on the image or object.