To redeem your promo code, find the “Promo Code” option under your account menu (under your name in the top right-hand corner).
Step 1: Click on your account settings and find “Promo Codes”
Step 2: You will see a window called “New promo code”. Simply paste your promo code on this page.
Step 3: Click “Apply”
Step 4: Next, go to the “Subscription” tab and click “Upgrade”. The new price with the discount will be reflected during your checkout.
Standard VAT rates may apply to payments from within the EU. More info here.
Important information:
VistaCreate does not have the option to apply a promo code after the payment has been made. All VistaCreate promo codes are for single-use and have an expiry date. This means that the discounted price will be counted for the subscription purchase, but the subscription renewal will be at the standard monthly or annual rate.
Promo codes can be applied if you choose the credit card (Visa, Mastercard) payment methods and do not apply to PayPal payments. Promo codes that were redeemed on the account and are active at the date of purchase will be automatically shown on the checkout page.