If you need to change or reset your VistaCreate password, follow the steps below. It won’t take long!
To change your password:
1) Log into your account using your email address and password.
2) Go to your account menu by clicking the round icon in the upper-right corner of the home page.
3) Select “Account Settings” from the list.
4) Click “Password” and create a new one. You’ll need to enter your new password twice to confirm it.
5) Finish by clicking “Save Changes”.
To reset your password:
1) Go to the VistaCreate homepage and click “Forgot your password?”. It’s right below the “Log In” button.
2) Enter your email address and click “Send Email”.
3) Check your Inbox. You’ll find an email from VistaCreate with a password reset link. Click on it.
4) Enter your new password twice and click “Save Changes”.
🤓 Keep in mind:
If you didn’t receive an email with password reset instructions, check your spam, promotions, social, and trash folders. It might be in one of them.
Single Vista Accounts launch
Due to the Single Vista Accounts launch, our users can now use one account to work on the VistaCreate, VistaPrint and 99designs websites.
Each time you log in to any of the above-listed sites, our system will use the login credentials that were stored on your browser password manager after your previous session on another sub-brand of Vista. However, there is a working way to have the accounts registered with multiple emails in Vista:
1) Go to the https://www.vistaprint.com/ site and make sure to click the log out button. Click "Forgot Password" and type in the account email that you need to access:
2) You will need to change your password via the password recovery link we send you, and then you will be able to log in to the correct account:
3) After you change your password, you will be able to sign in with the same login credentials to VistaPrint and 99designs, however, we recommend cleaning out the browser sessions
4) History to be able to switch between the multiple accounts. The solution with choosing which account email you'd like to use is being worked on and we expected it's launch soon.
🤓 Keep in mind:
If you didn’t receive an email with password reset instructions, check your spam, promotions, social, and trash folders. It might be in one of them.